How do I install A.N.A?

If you have PURCHASED ANA and are trying to install and register your license key, then please follow all of the steps below.


If you simply trying to Install the DEMO of ANA then please download the Demo of ANA from the ANA page - then follow the instructions from Step 5 - 7.

*You do not need a license key to run the DEMO


1. Log in to your account using the log in button on the top left of the website

Sign In.png


2. Select "Your Account" from the menu at the top of the screen

Your Account.png


3. In the "My Downloads" section find ANA and click on the "Download" button

ANA Download.png


4. You will notice there is a download option for the ANA installer - as well as a ANA license key. Please download both of these.


5. Extract the installer zip file to reveal the ANA Installation Folder (if you haven't already)


6. This folder contains installers for both MAC and PC. The MAC installation folder has installers for a 32 bit and a 64 bit DAW - please select the appropriate installer for your DAW.

Also included is a License key installer for installing your ANA license key


7. Run the appropriate installer and follow the on screen instructions to install ANA.


8. Once completed run the License Key installer



7. Select "Yes" when requested


8. Select your A.N.A.license key from your downloads


9. You will get a success message if all went OK



If you are still experiencing issues with installing your license key you can manually install it to see if that works. 

If you continue to have problems please submit a ticket to our customer service.




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